Saturday, June 23, 2012

DIVA Class at the Bead Shop

Very cool class today at the bead shop.  Vickie Muich from St. Louis was the instructor and the class was a DIVA peyote stitch class.  We learned how to do free form peyote stitch with some awesome results.  Projects were not finished as this takes HOURS to complete.  But really fun.  Here's some projects from class!

We used several sizes of seed beads, pearls, crystals and bugle beads. For this class you first chose your color way, just gathering all sorts of lovely beads in all the colors you love, then Vickie got us started.  So enjoyable.  We will do this again and you MUST give this a try.  If you've never tried your hand at peyote stitch, I'm doing a Beginning Peyote Stitch class on Thursday, July 12 beginning at 1 pm.  I originally listed this as a diagonal pattern, but to move faster and teach the basics we'll just be doing stripes.  Still a great class. Once you learn the basics, you will be able to take Vickie's DIVA class.  Here's some images of her completed projects!

So you can see you can really just go off on a tangent and let your imagination run wild! Great for us artists who believe we have attention deficit disorder!!


  1. You have a very lovely shop! Unique and gorgeous jewelry.

  2. Thank you Alexis! We've worked long & hard on the shop. I enjoy making jewelry and am glad you like my work! Thanks for posting!

    1. Yes I can see a lot of work has been put into each one. I use a few glass bell flowers on my pieces and I understand how long it takes for just a few of them! Anyway, you are very welcome and I'll keep this shop in mind for any gifts for someone or just a little gift for myself!

  3. LouAnnie - Testing testing! I love those earrings. Esp. like the hodge podge, owls and the double ring copper ones. They remind me of the pair you gifted me with little white bells on them. They have become some of my favorites. Thank you for getting this adjusted so us non-social commenters can participate.
